Third Baby born at BC Woman’s Hospital Vancouver BC

I didn’t get a chance to meet this family before labour started but I was quickly welcomed into their birth space. When I came into the room labour was progressing and baby number three was on the way.  His big sister stole the show with her bubbly personality which got her into a bit of trouble as you will see. His big brother was the most involved kid I have ever watched at a birth. He even played with the placenta for a long time after.  I wonder what personality this new little one will have he has two strong acts to follow!
Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

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The last few contractions before the epidural kicks in.
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Fully dialated ready to start pushing. As you can see someone is ready to catch!

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Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families
Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families

“The baby splashed me!”


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Vancouver Birth Photographer Apple Blossom Families
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She was a little bit mad at her new baby for splashing her on his way out.

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